English YouTube meditations and workshops 2023

Embrace your lessons – quote Pathwork Lecture 37: https://youtu.be/K7jAAFjisQM

Dying and being reborn – quote Pathwork QA232: https://youtu.be/B8TOHfe6I3Y

Aquarius workshop Learn to die and live joyfully: https://youtu.be/6e7Zg9Bh-e0

Healthy anger – quote Pathwork Lecture 133: https://youtu.be/zREm__i4XU4

Aquarius workshop The illusory fear of positive aggression: https://youtu.be/u7bARMnFDqo

Realize the best in you – quote Pathwork Lecture 148: https://youtu.be/aPlnZTpnWxc

Aquarius workshop Understanding the duality between envy and to impress: https://youtu.be/YOIebo_RT_g

Dissolving the fear of happiness – quote Pathwork QA 150: https://youtu.be/mfbUuBTDEIE

Aquarius workshop The illusory fear of happiness: https://youtu.be/KftnOxTAX2Y

Perceiving the purpose of every event – quote Pathwork Lecture 218: https://youtu.be/CTzzm3hZNnY

Aquarius workshop Your primary aim is autonomy: https://youtu.be/oHt2-KR3x9o

Life after death – quote Pathwork Lecture 12: https://youtu.be/azg0CJjRE44

Aquarius workshop The illusory fear of destruction: https://youtu.be/DkU6vlaYcG0

Balance between action and receptivity – quote Pathwork Lecture 228: https://youtu.be/Yk_559QStSU

Aquarius workshop Understanding the primary duality: https://youtu.be/AarUuUgrLmU

Finding the golden point – quote from Pathwork Lecture 205: https://youtu.be/8NmnBrXaSrY

Let go of self-rejection by the superimposed conscience: https://youtu.be/r7NnhZURu24

Selfless giving – quote from Pathwork Lecture 212: https://youtu.be/Tf4rYeGOe68

Aquarius workshop Experience the abundance of life: https://youtu.be/N1GgtdPVg7Y

Tiredness is a symptom of supression – quote Pathwork Lecture 49: https://youtu.be/EWE8ePC5FuM

Aquarius workshop Feel your love power: https://youtu.be/sVoX1kkgrd4

Giving up perfectionism – quote Pathwork Lecture 234: https://youtu.be/ac63h24F0lw

Aquarius workshop Let go of perfectionism: https://youtu.be/zBQxj45HMIM

Aquarius workshop Be at home with your true self: https://youtu.be/WDvXZb-qzbo

Know your true self – quote Pathwork Lecture 211: https://youtu.be/Qgy5csV_TYo

The right middle way – quote Pathwork Lecture 57: https://youtu.be/hvKnVSFLUnA

Aquarius workshop The illusory fear of your greatness: https://youtu.be/hVd8wMhEVCM

Aquarius workshop The truth about being happy: https://youtu.be/Hyfv4G9SKug

Finding balance – quote Pathwork Lecture 228: https://youtu.be/03l84qWbUfI

You are a manifestation of divinity – quote Pathwork Lecture 236: https://youtu.be/aagjL9q6uXQ

Creating order – quote Pathwork Lecture 205: https://youtu.be/7eGGUh5yhLY

Aquarius workshop Transform disorder into order: https://youtu.be/arfnxHQaaYg

Understanding the fear of good – quote Pathwork Lecture 141: https://youtu.be/WYknIeOK6OE

Aquarius workshop The illusory fear of failure: https://youtu.be/uV14sxenSjE

Building a positive field – quote Pathwork Lecture 142: https://youtu.be/sdFnIVBbDGE

Aquarius workshop Understand how your force fields work: https://youtu.be/5sVIah0qauc

Feel real feelings – quote Pathwork Lecture 147: https://youtu.be/g9iGY9TwC0c

Safety – quote Pathwork Lecture 67: https://youtu.be/9xa-KH3qOr8

Aquarius workshop The illusory fear of unsafety: https://youtu.be/4NgjhcsQVqA

The devil is an angel – quote Pathwork Lecture 212: https://youtu.be/rKVadkp1FW0

Your intuitive nature – quote Pathwork Lecture 77: https://youtu.be/nsu9PDpUv_s

Aquarius workshop Embrace life: https://youtu.be/FN6KqbH_gno

Steps in human evolution – quote Pathwork Lecture 209: https://youtu.be/E4fIGR-fvVY

Aquarius workshop Knowing who you really are: https://youtu.be/NMCvLVFCMnk

Gravity in God – quote Pathwork Lecture 258: https://youtu.be/kx0axjznvKU

The inner will – quote Pathwork Lecture 64: https://youtu.be/aqBOAWhlLes

Aquarius workshop Relax your soul movements: https://youtu.be/o7FrmsHlzjU

Life is change – quote Pathwork Lecture 174: https://youtu.be/RNNEWhqSxVI

Aquarius workshop The illusory fear of change: https://youtu.be/MS4T2PwvG94

The pleasure principle – quote Pathwork lecture 148: https://youtu.be/FaFB5aAgdVk

Aquarius workshop Choose truth and pleasure: https://youtu.be/HWQGZjl4vbE

You and life are one – quote Pathwork Lecture 114: https://youtu.be/EEaK_k6LhKU

Aquarius workshop Have faith in life: https://youtu.be/gKDxCoGsG8U

Aquarius workshop Pleasure as a goal in life: https://youtu.be/sT1JOon7KWo

Self-realization and pleasure – quote Pathwork Lecture 177: https://youtu.be/I0lC1vjTDjg

24 Channels – quote Pathwork lecture 29: https://youtu.be/iC6vWvq0m5M

Accept your lower self – quote Pathwork Lecture 25: https://youtu.be/RsllMvPH6xQ

Aquarius workshop Understanding the duality between idealization and rejection: https://youtu.be/lsdICNCjvUU

Courage – quote Pathwork Lecture 236: https://youtu.be/tJxfsO6vkZ4

Aquarius workshop Transform cowardice into courage: https://youtu.be/rNO1jF8Uqag

True dignity – quote Pathwork lecture 37: https://youtu.be/5RGI59VmcR0

Aquarius workshop Understand the truth about humility: https://youtu.be/0WXrSclsEDw

What is my desire? – quote Pathwork Lecture 29: https://youtu.be/-AuvNUViTv8

Aquarius workshop Understanding the duality between daydreaming and pessimism: https://youtu.be/QyD3NjXRK58

Being your naked self – quote Pathwork Lecture 152: https://youtu.be/3BScl071we4

Aquarius workshop Dare to be vulnerable: https://youtu.be/B0u53zjBy60

Your real needs – quote Pathwork Lecture 93: https://youtu.be/UcKuIgEK244

Aquarius workshop Letting go of false needs: https://youtu.be/ilwwwbRDPLE

To give of yourself – quote Pathwork Lecture 145: https://youtu.be/rFJG_fTF9Eo

Aquarius workshop Give the best of yourself: https://youtu.be/WusMd3nID5s

Doing versus being – quote Pathwork QA 144: https://youtu.be/3ETugw2HdlU

Mobility in relaxation – quote Pathwork Lecture 135: https://youtu.be/NZsjYAfgDeU

I’m not better than others – quote Pathwork Lecture 236: https://youtu.be/o0oFAhAigqs

Mastery is your birthright – quote Pathwork Lecture 143: https://youtu.be/LPlrFObSQZE

Aquarius workshop Claim your birthright: https://youtu.be/scQ10zalLOA

True womanhood and manhood – quote Pathwork Lecture 37: https://youtu.be/ZWl5Co60GTI

Aquarius workshop Get to know your rhythm of life: https://youtu.be/J3jQE4ctFDw

The birth process – quote Pathwork Lecture 255: https://youtu.be/Ba5BXLth5YQ

Answers from God – quote Pathwork Lecture 13: https://youtu.be/NPeHCTw_weE

Aquarius workshop Understanding your inner struggle: https://youtu.be/k2rIEwZ1tFA

Independence – quote Pathwork Lecture 120: https://youtu.be/ZEMDJgLHmDI

Aquarius workshop Understanding the duality between egoism and dependency: https://youtu.be/AiyJozwyj3c

Aquarius sound meditation Understanding the duality between egoism and dependency: https://youtu.be/JShZ2bKFtRc

Meditate active and receptive – quote Pathwork Lecture 163: https://youtu.be/Wtduoeu0AEo

Two fundamental aspects – quote Pathwork Lecture 169: https://youtu.be/7AW0Tc29yDA

Increase your fulfillment – quote Pathwork Lecture 192: https://youtu.be/2uDG6VsEjHw

Aquarius workshop Live without fear: https://youtu.be/SozuQdiay6M

Aquarius sound meditation Live without fear: https://youtu.be/8w_ady1OslE