English Aquarius workshop

Aquarius workshop

Feeling the continuity of life


“This life is a continuum, an eternally moving process, which can be sensed only when the personal psyche follows his moving process. This is a mathematical equation.”

Quote from Padwerk Lecture 146: The positive concept of life

This life on earth is not an accidental appearance with nothing before or after. Life is a great continuing chain of incarnations that is an expression of human evolution. Every human being passes from one incarnation to the next incarnation in the same way that we have moved from one class to another during our studies, and each life is but a small link in that long chain of incarnations. According to the Guide, humanity is in a state of half-sleep and perceives due to misconceptions only one-tenth of the reality. The process of awakening requires each person to make a daily choice between growth and happiness or stagnation and suffering; between accepting and feeling all the pain, fear, frustration and negativity or remain in the duality of hyperactive fighting and apathetic numbness; between trusting the divine self that is slowly unfolding and wants to penetrate everyone with love, truth, unity, happiness and peace or trusting the inner destructive child who resists growth and change out of fear, pride and self-will and is trapped in reversed thinking. During the awakening process, consciousness expands, perception becomes more objective and clear, and self-knowledge increases. Subsequently, human knowledge grows and finally cosmic knowledge about creation and the eternal continuity of life. The more one has overcome the fear of oneself, the more the continuous nature of life will unfold and reveal itself. Such a person will experience the endless continuity of life and therefore live without contraction, pain and fear. This person experiences the death of the physical body as a next step of liberation and unfolding and not as a trauma. In fact, death is another form of birth as symbolized by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. Feeling that life is an eternal continuity is the most desirable and relaxed state of being that every human being longs for. In this workshop we will explore three themes about the continuity of life with a loving curiosity.

1st theme : Feeling continuity by surrendering to the true self

When we identify ourselves with the ego, letting go of this ego must be very frightening. Letting go would mean destruction and that explains our fear of death. But the desire for happiness, love, creativity and pleasure can only be fulfilled if we let go of the strong ego control and surrender to the true self. It takes our trust and courage to surrender to an inner movement that does not respond to the outer thinking and willing.

“A human being who has activated his real self and experiences it as a daily reality is ever afraid of death. One feels and knows its immortal nature; one is filled with its eternal quality. It cannot but be a continuum, for this is its inherent nature. This cannot be explained by the logic the ego is used to. Such logic is much too limited to comprehend this.” (Quote from Pathwork lecture 158)

nd theme: Trusting the continuity of life

Because here on earth every human being has been separated from his inner divine core due to fear and mistrust, we must go through the experience of death. But at any moment we can choose an attitude of trust that can put us in touch with the continuity of life. Then we will experience the truth that we live in a beneficial universe where there is nothing to fear. Pronouncing the following words is the healthy attitude towards life:

“Here is death coming. I do not know whether I will continue life. I would like to continue life. My outer intellect only knows the theories of a continuum of life and the philosophies of it, but I do not as yet experience the truth of it in my inner feelings. I would like this eternal life, if it exists. I will not deceive myself, though, by pretending that I feel the truth of a continuum of life. I let go of the fear that I will not live, and accept what comes in the trust that the universe is benign even if I cannot at this time know, see, and experience the continuum I would like.” (Quote from Pathwork Lecture 168)

rd theme: In the eternal Now you feel the continuity of life

Self-alienation from our feelings prevents us from being in the eternal continuity of the Now. By reaching for the future or by withdrawing into the past, we live in illusion, in fantasy. These two contradictory soul movements, which flee the Now and stagnate the growth and unfoldment of our soul, often take place simultaneously. When we live in the Now, we live in the reality of the truth of who we are NOW, what we feel, think, want and experience NOW. In the Now we feel relaxed the continuity of life.

“Only when you are in the eternal now are you truly in bliss, are you truly safe, secure, fearless, and absolutely certain — not as wishful thinking, but as absolute, realistic, justified inner certainty, as a fact — of the beautiful meaning of life that is a continuum, that does not stop merely because certain momentary manifestations seem to stop. That sense of eternaty is the true bliss. For when there is no fear, there is complete relaxation.” (Quote from Pathwork Lecture 215)

The workshop lasts 1,5 hours. We will start with an introduction meditation. This will be followed by  the opportunity to discuss your experiences on this subject and to ask questions.

The last part of the workshop consists of a guided meditation and the sharing of received inspirations.

The free workshop will be held on Saturday at PST 8.00-9.30, EST 11.00-12.30, GMT 16.00-17.30, CET 17.00-18.30.

After you have registered for the free workshop (s.hontele@hetnet.nl), you will receive a zoom link.